
From Jingzhi Pu Lab
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Pyrite is a High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) jointly managed by us, the research groups of Nigel Richards (Chemistry) and Fangqiang Zhu (Physics), and the School of Science (SoS) Research&Infrastructure Computing team led by Scott Orr and Debbie Dailey. Located in the IUPUI Science Building, the Pyrite cluster delivers ~10 TFLOPs peak performance via 32 dual-processors octa-core AMD Opteron nodes (512 CPU cores in total) with 1024 GB of total memory and 22.7 TB of total disk space. This core facility is aimed at meeting the rapidly increasing local needs for scientific computing in research and education.

A Schematic Diagram of the Pyrite Cluster

pyrite cluster info

Tape library & storage array on Pyrite

pyrite cluster info

View of the entire Pyrite Cluster

pyrite cluster info

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